- Are you already out or what?
- I’ll be about five minutes.
- OK, hurry up!
The installation transfers a private space, i.e. the bathroom, into a public one, a derelict area used as a parking lot by the neighbors. Far from being in a space for any spectacles, the installation invites the audience to leave their comfort zone, and experience the alienating effect under the gaze of an individual (a most legitimate public representation of an individual, i.e. a passport photo) surrounded by the unwanted abject elements of the private realm. This surreal and dysfunctional space exposes its viewers to the experience of those who are unwanted in the society and therefore alienated from the society, and those who try to be desired in the society and become alienated from themselves.
The person in the passport photos, the subject of all this chaos in the bathroom, in her own simulative reality, is preparing to flush the toilet, and get out in five minutes in a well-prepared way.